20 years of Prince’s Chaos and Disorder Podcast

I produced, edited, and guested on this episode of Grown Folks Music’s Inside the Album podcast. I was joined by GFM’s Love Man and The Ricker as well as special guest Arthur Turnbull from The Music Snobs for a lively and informative discussion of Prince’s 1996 release “Chaos and Disorder.”

You can also listen to it on:

One thought on “20 years of Prince’s Chaos and Disorder Podcast

  1. If I hadn’t listened to this podcast (twice), I may have listened to “Chaos And Disorder” once and dismissed it. That would have been a mistake!!!

    Confession… I never listened to this entire album. I knew and loved “I Like It There”, “Dinner With Delores” and the brilliant “Had U”. When De Angela said that “The Truth” and “Plectrumelectrum” were companion pieces to “Chaos And Disorder” THAT got my attention. I love every song on “The Truth” and “Wow” is a favorite. Then Arthur (?) said that it took him 20 years before he could appreciate “Chaos”. Hmm…this is going to be interesting…and it is! If you’re reading this, you already know the depth and breadth of these discussions. If you don’t…”you better ask someone”…or better yet…Listen. Headphones on…time to listen to “Chaos”. Oh no! I’m not feeling this one….but I know I’m missing something, so I listen to the entire podcast AGAIN.

    “The Vault” and “Chaos And Disorder” were assembled/compiled during the same period and given by Prince to WB at the same time? I instantly loved “Vault” the first time I heard it and instantly didn’t care for “Chaos” the first time I heard it. So…I listen to “Chaos” again. THERE IT IS…everything the panel discussed. Prince’s stellar guitar work…that epic change in “The Same December”, “Zannalee” (I love the hysterical police narrative in the background), the beautiful “I Will”, his voice on “Dinner” is heartbreakingly beautiful and so much more. The discussion about this album being Prince’s “kiss off” to WB and WB trademarking his name.
    De Angela bookends Prince’s time with WB observing that he started with “For You” and ended with “Had U”… brilliant. One of the men (so sorry I can’t remember who) remarked that we should “re-visit this album with a different set of ears”. Bravo! Yes….I’m on my third listen and “I like it there”.

    De Angela – This is so long, please feel free to edit and use any way you want.

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