On on June 11, 2011, I charted #1, but, more crazily, higher than Benga in dubstep due to my radio show, WTF?*&^%$#@! I had to commemorate this.
Of course, this is insanity. I took a screenshot because I know that it won’t last, but I am beyond tickled pink.
I ADORE Benga. A girl can dream that I’m in the same league, but alas we know that I am not. For those of you who don’t know who Benga is… He is THE MAN as far as the musical genre dubstep is concerned. He’s massive and insanely talented. I just play the tunes; he makes ’em. I’m humbled.
Here’s the live chart on the left side of the page when you scroll.
I may or may not be taking a summer hiatus this summer. I usually do, but I’m going to try not to, but we’ll see…